
This site was created for fun as a replacement to the seemingly abandoned and ad infested http://inmate.watch. We appreciate the service that site offered, but it's time for something better. This site is maintained and developed by me in my spare time. Feature suggestions and comments are welcome. Right now this site does not collect any personal information from you and all information on the site is gathered from the public domain. All inmates are innocent until proven guilty in court.

Upcoming features that are actively being developed include:

  • Lancaster County inmate integration
  • Advanced search
  • Statistics for each county
  • Inmate social profile and related news story links
  • Aggregated crime and court related regional news feed
  • Resources page for each county

Some of the features that may be developed in the future are:

  • Ability to register an account
  • Create a list of 'watched' names or IDs
  • Warrant database search
  • Receive inmate and/or active warrant notification by SMS
  • Additional county integration (Dodge, Washington, Harrison, Mills)

The information and services here are free for you to use, but running this site is not. While I enjoy doing this for you all, it takes me a lot of time to produce. If my work is valuable for you, please consider a donation to help fund this site. Thank you!

  • Paypal:
  • Bitcoin: 13pKhhemVR855c2F9EdftqfSg8q3f6NeJd

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